(Alleen in het Engels)
Marie was the daughter of the King Louis VII and Aliénor of Aquitaine. She married the Count of Champagne Henri 1st the Liberal and therefore became the Countess Marie de Champagne.
According to some written testimonies, she was similar to her mother by her beauty but also by her love for Arts and Literature. When the Count Henri was going to war or crusades, she was the one managing the affairs of the County.
Like her husband, she developed a passion for poetry, she supported her friend Chrétien de Troyes and even advised him in his creations!
For example about courteous love, a concept she developed as a reaction to the brutality of feudal morals: a woman’s condition must be superior to her lover’s and he must submit to her, love must remain, and the perfect lover does not desire other women…

Marie also loved to celebrate and to bring the great lords of Champagne together!
She would organize love courts in her Palace, some sort of fake tribunals where one could resolve love disputes, where moral and psychological cases coming forth were discussed and where sanctions were decided!
For Marie, it was the occasion of great entertaining and joyful gatherings, and more especially to expose the prestige of the Cour de Champagne.
Really, this Mary was… Quite a special woman!
Head photo: Heart © Bianca Mentil