Champagne aan de poorten van Troyes

Champagne aan de poorten van Troyes

(Alleen in het Engels) The Montgueux vineyard is considered as the ultimate champagne from Troyes!...

Léonie Aviat-madeleines

Léonie Aviat-madeleines

(Alleen in het Engels) For 24 madeleines – Preparation time: 15 minutes – Cooking time:...



(Alleen in het Engels) Preparation time: 20 min 250 g flour – 150 g white...

Marguerite Bourgeois-toffee

Marguerite Bourgeois-toffee

(Alleen in het Engels) Preparation time: 10 min – Cooking time: 20 min 250 ml...

Witte waterkerssalade

Witte waterkerssalade

(Alleen in het Engels) A bunch of watercress – the juice of 1 lemon –...

Gâteau de Savoie…

Gâteau de Savoie…

…van Pierre Mignard (Alleen in het Engels) For 6 people– Preparation time: 10 min –...

Edouard Herriot-vanillepudding

Edouard Herriot-vanillepudding

(Alleen in het Engels) For 6 people – Preparation time: 10 minutes – Cooking time:...

Camille Claudel-macaronigratin

Camille Claudel-macaronigratin

(Alleen in het Engels) For 4 people – Preparation time: 10 minutes – Cooking time:...

Smaken in Troyes

Smaken in Troyes

(Alleen in het Engels) After passing by Troyes Tourist Office, you will be invited to...

Appels in appelmoes van Bernard de Clairvaux

Appels in appelmoes van Bernard de Clairvaux

(Alleen in het Engels) For 6 people – Preparation time: 20 minutes – Cooking time:...